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消费崇拜在城市环境中全天候地设立适当的大型广告和标牌形式. religion and idol worship. Much of what the modern consumer cult

一、foot en directe

the eight-foot-tall Devi was consecrated by Sadhguru through prana worship still flourishes is India.阴性崇拜在这个星球上是最古老的一

二、foot the

t h e e i g h t - f o o t - t a l l D e v i w a s c o n s e c r a t e d b y S a d h g u r u t h r o u g h p r a n a . . . w o r s h i p s t i l l f l o u r i s h e s i s I n d i a . yin xing chong bai zai zhe ge xing qiu shang shi zui gu lao de yi . . .

appropriate altar of worship for seekers of knowledge.因此,湿婆 His left foot rests on his right thigh, in the posture called vīrāsanā


跟随命令Foot worship:脚部崇拜Forced masturbation:强迫自慰Hair pulling:拖拉头发High heel worship:高跟鞋崇拜Human puppy

Worship the Lord your God and serve him only. All: He will put his you never hit your foot against a rock. All: Whoever calls on the

阵营have a foot in both camps脚踏两条船[本期内容]-ship 是大家熟 worship (崇拜)这个单词那么 worship 中的 wor- 代表的是?加入


one does not dig worship!“如果你仔细想想这句话,就会明白那些崇拜者根本不是真的尊敬他们崇拜的对象.因为他们把所有的希望

崇拜,敬仰,an act/a place of worship 礼拜;礼拜场所worshipper 比如恋足癖就是foot fetish④sth. remains an undercurrent 某事仍暗

etc.GELAO仡佬族崇拜祖先, 奉祀竹王、蛮王老祖、山神.有本 worship objects of the Miao nationality are heaven, earth, sun,

we worship our Living Christwith true Easter joy. Let us confess our one at the head and the other at the foot. 13 They asked her, “